Are You Ready to Experience

Natural Relief From Pain?

Are You Ready to Experience

Natural Relief From Pain?

Are You Ready to Say “Goodbye” to that Pain?

Let me help you discover the real
 cause of your pain, and help 

you finally release it!

Work With Me

Private Work

Private Work with Sharon

Tinnitus Freedom

Stay Goodby to Tinnitus

Pain Plans

Hip, Knee, Lower Back, Carpal Tunnel, Ankle, Hip, Shoulder Pain Plans

Can you help me with my pain?

In these 2 videos I will guide you through a process to actually “see” for yourself what is keeping you in pain. 

The Angel Program ~ How To See Your Angels

About Sharon

I’m Sharon Smith, an authority on pain release using holistic, natural methods. I can tell you with confidence that the pain you are experiencing right now comes from some time in your past when you felt either overwhelmed by emotions, or you were experiencing emotions that you judged as “unacceptable” to feel.

That might be because what you were feeling did not fit in with your view of yourself. For example, “I’m a good person so it’s not OK for me to be angry.”

The real cause of your persistent pain is actually very simple… but most people don’t know it!

If you have been suffering from pain almost anywhere in your body over an extended period of time, the most likely cause of that pain is something that may come as a surprise to you…

In this short video I’ll show you how tapping will address the root cause of your pain by providing a quick and easy way to release trapped emotions.

Success Stories