Meet Sharon
I suffered with chronic lower back and hip pain from the time I was in my late teens. While I wasn’t in constant pain, I experienced pain every few months. I also developed migraines in my 20s. I tried everything. Some things helped for a while (chiropractic care, acupuncture), but the pain always ended up coming back. Most people simply told me I had a “bad back”, and would just have to live with it. I never quite thought of my back in this way though because I was also strong, flexible and healthy.
In 2002 I suffered an “injury” when I leaned over to put a cup in the dishwasher, and was unable to straighten up again. The pain was excruciating. I spent the next week

I suffered with chronic lower back and hip pain from the time I was in my late teens. While I wasn’t in constant pain, I experienced pain every few months. I also developed migraines in my 20s. I tried everything. Some things helped for a while (chiropractic care, acupuncture), but the pain always ended up coming back. Most people simply told me I had a “bad back”, and would just have to live with it. I never quite thought of my back in this way though because I was also strong, flexible and healthy.
In 2002 I suffered an “injury” when I leaned over to put a cup in the dishwasher, and was unable to straighten up again. The pain was excruciating. I spent the next week in bed whacked out on painkillers and muscle relaxants. A doctor friend made a housecall and pronounced I had no real damage, but just needed to rest a week or so and my back would get better. I wasn’t so sure about this, and was totally terrified that I might not be able to walk again. During this week I made myself a promise, I was determined to find out the real cause of my pain and find a way to fix it. I was only 45, in perfect health, with a daily yoga practice… what in the world was causing me to have all this pain?
I started reading, and researching everything I could find about back pain. About a year later I read about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in Dr. Mercola’s natural health newsletter. I visited Gary Craig’s website and learned his “basic recipe”, and played with it for a bit, but it didn’t really “click” with me. I thought “Oh yeah, that tapping stuff…but what are you supposed to say when you tap?” My search continued.
Then one day I went to have a massage, and my friend met me at the door. She was so excited! “You have to come in and see the list in this book! It’s incredible, but I have no idea what to do with it!” She was talking about the book “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die”, by Karol Kuhn Truman. In the back of this book is a list of over 200 illnesses and their probable underlying emotional causes. The next few minutes changed my life.
The moment I saw the list I immediately knew what to do with it. I remember saying, “This is it! This is how you know what to say when you tap!” I suddenly understood that pain wasn’t designed to be this horrible thing to drag you down….it was designed to be a guide, and a “map’ to help us. The mind and body are connected in a way that can’t be ignored. What an elegant design!
I started using this list along with EFT that same day, and I never looked back. I Tapped for myself with great results…I made my kids learn EFT. I made my whole family tap, and got my friends to try it. Looking back on this time, I believe I was pretty annoying! I just wanted everybody in the world to be able to use this incredible technique. It wasn’t long before I began seeing clients, and I learned to make use of my natural intuitive ability to become even more effective at helping others. In August of 2006 I completed EFT Masters Boot Camp with Gary Craig in Denver, and then began to expand my practice.
I have found that my favorite thing to work with is pain. There’s simply nothing more rewarding than showing someone how to let go of pain. I love that look of surprise when they suddenly see it change! Totally cool! Every single time I work I know that I am absolutely doing exactly what I am supposed to do in the world. Every. Single. Time. I understand that this is a great blessing in my life since many people never get to feel this way. I love my life, and I love this work. Thank you for allowing me to share it with you.