2021 01 19

I started this live with a brief explanation of what tapping is and how it works…because I know that some of you may not have a clear (or any!) idea about this.
When we are working with any pain or issue we will always be working with the EMOTIONS under the pain.
The tapping for today began with a request for help with cystitis (bladder problem). Next up was tapping for acid reflux–she started with a pain level of 7 which dropped to a 4.
Then we did some work for longstanding grief. Her intensity level went from an 8 to a 2…in just a couple minutes of tapping.
Last up was some interesting work with ingrown toenail! You don’t want to miss this 🙂
Thanks to ALL of you who participated in the live today–WELL DONE!
Now I have a question for you. Would you like to be able to “see” for yourself what’s really under your pain or issue?
Yes! I thought so. I have a free gift for you that will let you do exactly this…and more!

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