We all look forward to the holidays! Right? Ok, well most of us do....most of the time. We spend tons of time and energy planning, decorating, shopping and cooking. I'm willing to bet each one of you has a picture in your head of exactly how the "perfect" dinner, party or family gathering should look. Images of Norman Rockwell paintings dance in our heads.
So how often does the reality live up to our expectations? I know...me too. The answer for most of us....most of the time is.... not often. Watch the video below to learn how you can use tapping to help make the holidays more joyful and less stressful.
While we can't control others we can certainly manage our own energy in a way that sets us up for a smoother time interacting with our family and friends. Use this short tapping video to get yourself ready for the holidays.
Enjoy today's video below!
Happy Thanksgiving!
– Sharon
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