PAIN! What is it…why are you having it..and how I can help you

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Since so many of you have contacted me asking about private work in the last year, I'm now offering a couple of programs you may be interested in. These will NOT appear anywhere on my site! I only accept people into these if we've had a chance to talk about what you need and how I can help you. During this initial conversation I'll ask you lots of questions as we create your Personal Pain Blueprint. Remember that physical pain and emotional pain are actually the same thing! The emotional is the precursor to having things show up in your physical self.  

So watch my video below (I had a lot of fun making this one!) and let me know if you think we would be a good fit to work together. Let's chat! Here's my email:

***I have several brand new "Pain Plans" available on the site now! If you or someone you know needs help with pain you should give one a try. View all of them here.

I also have a brand new package now for releasing hip pain!!!  If you or someone you know can benefit from this work, check it out here.
If you want LOTS of practice I recommend you tap along with some of my free videos – you'll get some great practice and feel better too!
Don't forget I have packages available for some specific areas of pain. All of these come with my 100% money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose but pain!

Again, you can watch today's video below!

– Sharon

Do you hurt in your knees, lower back or wrist? I can help with your pain!  

  • October 22, 2019
  • Pain

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