2020 12 04

Hi Friends!
I’ve had 22 friends on Facebook this week who have lost family members due to Covid. Grief is tough. I put a couple of videos in the group earlier today that will be useful. One is actually for grief but the other is for improving your eyesight.
Why is that one good for grief? Because we store emotions and stress in our eyes…from things that are hard to see…and there’s a lot of that in our world right now.
We did some tapping for those who are full time caregivers to help with maintaining self care practices and not feeling selfish about it.
Then the topic of grief came up again and I decided it was time to “come out of the closet” a bit about my ability to see and hear dead people. This isn’t usually something I spend a lot of time talking about but it seemed appropriate today.
It does inform my work and I always hope what I see will be a comfort to those who are grieving.
Peace to you–

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