2020 12 11

Today on the live I answered several questions from members. I wanted to do this live so ALL of you could get the answers because these are great questions!
Questions had to do with my YouTube videos and how many times a day should you do a video to get the best result? Should I work with a single issue for a couple weeks or move to a different issue? Do you have a video for full body tension or pain? Watch the replay to get the answers!
For all of you who want to use tapping to help yourselves–good for you!! The way you will get the bet result is to have a “look” at what’s REALLY under your pain or issue. Hint: It will be emotional stuff. That’s why I created my free gift–to help you see this for yourself. You’ll use these videos again and again. You can get it here: https://apainplan.com/stop-the-pain/
Then we did some taping for a gut issue related to the death of her father. As we tapped she reported that another emotional issue came up around her stepmom. Excellent work!
I’m heading to Florida for Christmas with my kids and will be back LIVE in the group o Dec 29.
May You and Your Family Have a Joyous Holiday!!!

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